Business and Leadership

Small Business Corporate Travel Management: Why Christopherson May be Right for You

December 13, 2021
Is Corporate Travel Management Right for Your Small Business?

Did you know that the average business trip costs $1,293? According to the 2019 Cost of Business Travel Report, airfare makes up, on average, 34 percent of the total cost, lodging accounts for 28 percent, and meals make up 19 percent. How does that stack up with your average travel spend? And maybe a better question: do you know your average travel expenses?

From conferences and events to client and vendor meetings, travel can be a critical part of your small business’ success. And if you don’t have a managed corporate travel program in place, you’re missing out on opportunities to save money on business travel, better manage travel risks and security, and ensure a positive experience for your travelers.

Contrary to what you may imagine when you hear “corporate travel management,” it isn’t just for large organizations or Fortune 500 companies; it’s something every business, regardless of size, should establish a plan and program for if travel is a routine expenditure. So how do you go about creating a corporate travel management program? Luckily, you don’t have to do it alone. A corporate travel agency for small business can help you tailor travel solutions to fit your smaller team, leaner budget, and schedule needs.

Christopherson Business Travel is a full-service business travel agency that serves more than 1,000 organizations in the United States, from small businesses to large, global corporations. Below, we’ll explain in more detail what we offer and why choosing Christopherson as your small business travel agency could increase efficiency and (maybe even more importantly) decrease headaches this year.

What do corporate travel agencies for small businesses offer?

Corporate travel management encompasses the various services and solutions travel management companies offer. At Christopherson, our integrated travel management software lets you dive deep into the numbers of your travel program and identify the real cost of business travel, while identifying opportunities for increased savings and efficiency. We also offer our team of knowledgeable travel advisors who deliver expert reservation assistance, online booking tools, and ongoing account management. Our various specialty departments can also provide corporate event planning, humanitarian travel services, and vacation travel expertise.

What benefits do small businesses receive from corporate travel management?

Small businesses who don’t have a dedicated team for corporate travel can see immediate benefits from a corporate travel management company like Christopherson—not just in dollars, but in time. Here are some of the benefits our small business clients receive when they partner with us:

  • Cost-savings – Business travel management companies (TMC) can often be more affordable than hiring an in-house travel coordinator or corporate travel manager. A TMC’s expert guidance, cumulative buying power, and integrated technology can further reduce overall travel costs, too.
  • Travel Rewards & Perks – Because TMCs have strong vendor relationships and know how to leverage your travel spend, they can often find ways to deliver perks to your travelers such as upgrades, amenities, points, and more. Keeping travelers happy is an important part of running a successful travel program as it leads to more productive business trips. A TMC can also help you find and take advantage of vendor rewards programs that can benefit your organization.
  • Increased efficiency – Searching for the cheapest flights that still meet your scheduling needs, comparing hotel rates across different platforms, and figuring out the cost difference between a rental car and ride-sharing takes time. But our team has the years of experience to evaluate those options quickly and efficiently. We also have integrated booking tools if your corporate culture is more DIY when it comes to booking. Additionally, our reporting and data technology, automated process, and centralized program management tools allow you plan and manage business travel with efficiency.
  • Improved travel insight — To actually improve your business travel program, you need to identify how you’re currently doing. How much are you really spending? What unnecessary fees are you unknowingly paying? How productive are your employees while on the road? Where are your travelers and how do you connect with them in the event of an emergency? Our travel manager dashboard delivers data and reporting tools to help you answer those questions so you can strategize how to improve and save.
  • Travel policy compliance Do you have a travel policy? If you do, how well do your travelers stick to it? TMCs can help you create and integrate those policies for increased traveler compliance which, in turn, provides you with better data for your risk management, understanding travel spend, and more.

Does your business need a corporate travel management solution?

You now know what the benefits of travel management are, but maybe you’re still not sure if it’s right for your business at the moment.

We understand. If you answer yes to the following questions, it may be a sign that it’s time to search for a small business travel agency:

  • Are you or your team members wasting a lot of time searching for flights, hotels, and transportation solutions on your own?
  • Do your business trips seem inefficient?
  • Are you unaware of your business travelers’ travel plans in the event of an emergency?
  • Do you have a hard time identifying exactly how much you spend on business travel?
  • Are you unaware of the small business travel reward programs available and how to best use them?
  • Do you foresee business trips continuing as your organization grows?

Why Small Businesses Turn to Christopherson Business Travel

As a small business, you need a corporate travel management company that is flexible enough to work with your fast-moving company, and experienced enough to help uncover hidden opportunities to improve how you approach business travel.

After 69 years in business, our Christopherson Business Travel team has grown to more than 300 travel experts across the country. Our longevity and innovation provides peace of mind that you’re working with a partner who understands corporate travel inside and out—whether it be finding the best deals, ensuring traveler satisfaction, staying current on COVID-19 guidelines, or delivering the latest tech solutions to streamline your travel data.

Our travel experts can help you by using the same strategies we employ to save money each year for large corporations. Contact our corporate travel agency for small business today if you’re ready to experience how easy business travel can be.

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Let’s chat

Connect with our team of experienced travel experts to learn how Christopherson can help your business travel with ease.